Guitar history
Many historians differently describe the history of the origin of modern guitar and its varieties. This is not surprising, because the first stringed-plucked instruments, which were the prototype of this…

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High-quality soundtrack
How does a high-quality soundtrack begin? Many people think that from a sound card installed in the computer. But it is not. A high-quality soundtrack begins with a QUALITATIVE SOURCE…

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The word "Sonata" is derived from the Italian verb "Sonare" - "sound." For the first time Spanish composers of the 16th century began to call it that. Early sonatas were…




A ballad is a narrative of a fantastic or dramatic nature. The word itself comes from the Italian “ball”, which means to dance. Once upon a time ballads were called dance songs. In the middle of the century ballads turned into narrative songs. They told about historical events, about people’s life, about knightly deeds. The most common theme of the German ballads was the exposure of the rich, who deceived the people and profited from it. And in the English ballads, which arose from the peasant heroic songs, it was told about the good advocate of the poor Robin Hood. There was a period when the ballad was reborn into a purely literary genre. Continue reading

Psychosomatic reactions to certain types of musical art

Music at all times, since its inception, has been used as a means of influencing people’s consciousness. With its help, different goals were achieved. Knowledgeable people wisely approached the musical design of their events.
For example, the Christian church forbade music in its churches, until the reign of Pope Gregory I, who allowed, and even wrote music for the performance of prayers. However, this music was supposed to be not emotional, without accompaniment, and the male choir sang songs in unison. This style is called Gregorian singing. Continue reading

Brain "under the jazz"
When jazz musicians improvise, areas that are responsible for self-censorship and inhibition of nerve impulses are turned off in their brain, and instead, areas that open the way for self-expression…


Tell me what you are listening to, and I will tell you what your IQ is.
You are young, you consider yourself advanced, nightclubs are the best place to hang out after school or work. After - a feeling of well spent time, only now a…


Genres and forms of folk instrumental music
The problem of the genre in modern musicology is one of the most pressing. In the scientific literature, genre groups are distinguished in accordance with various assessments: the performing staff…
