impair perception
What is a score
The score in music is the musical notation of a polyphonic musical work intended for performance by an ensemble or orchestra, in which one part of another is given in a certain order, the parts of all the voices.
When the musicians of the orchestra play, in front of each of them there is a part of their instrument on the console. But the conductor is in a more difficult position. In order to direct the orchestra, he must have before his eyes all the parts of the performed work.
For this purpose, serves the score (from the Latin “party” – “divide”, “distribute”). Continue reading
High-quality soundtrack
How does a high-quality soundtrack begin? Many people think that from a sound card installed in the computer. But it is not. A high-quality soundtrack begins with a QUALITATIVE SOURCE of SOUND, which will later be recorded using one or another sound card and program.
Most often in home studios, musicians record the voice of a vocalist or guitar. In order to record the voice well we need three things:
Good singer. Continue reading
Timbre, beauty and harmonious voice
Today I would like to touch on the issue of timbre, beauty and melodiousness of our voice. It is often said that a woman loves with ears, and a man loves with her eyes. But I have a feeling that everyone loves with their ears, and with their eyes selectively, aesthetes and especially spoiled lovers of beauty.
So, the voice is important for everyone, especially for singers. And for ordinary people – not musicians – the beauty of the voice is also important, because it depends on whether your voice is sweet or not, whether the girl will fall in love with you or not, whether the director will like you or you don’t like it at once, whether the client will trust you Or, on the contrary, immediately turn away from you and slam the door in front of your nose. Continue reading