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The financial side of working with the studio

It is worth learning the following fact. If a studio rents a good room, in a good area, there is a lot of equipment in the studio, a good repair of the premises, a large staff, a well-known company – you will pay extra for all this. The accountant, director also needs to allocate money for salary. It is necessary to recoup the cost of a large amount of purchased equipment. Pay back the cost of renting the room, the cost of electricity, the cost of renovation of the studio and adjacent premises … And there are taxes and additional expenses. All this will be required from your pocket. Even if, say, there is a drum set at the studio, and you are the bench mark that came to record the voice. We’ll have to partially pay for the drum kit.
Not surprisingly, for one song at some studios you can pay more than one thousand dollars. In my studio, I solved this question simply: a small staff, my premises, the equipment is of the highest quality, but its quantity is only the most necessary, the absence of a European-quality repair, a simple but effective decoration of the recording room. The result is a unique price / quality ratio.
Tips on choosing a studio: First of all, look at the quality, not the price. More often, people make mistakes and choose by price. In the end, writing cheaper, you can: lose time, lose money, a chance to break through with a quality product, tarnish your reputation and faith in yourself because of a poor-quality product, and as a result, a dream, spend a lot of energy writing your song, and in the end in vain. Also, when choosing a studio, look at the quality, not the external conditions in which the recording takes place. That is, it is better to make a song with high quality than it is not with high quality, but at the same time to sit while recording on a comfortable sofa and in a beautiful room.
Tips for calculating the work: do not bargain. By this you warm up the desire of the sound producer to do the job just as. Do not delay the payment, otherwise you will create a bad reputation for yourself and warm up your reluctance to work with you.
How does the studio work
Usually studios are very easy to wind up the price. For example, they may say that mixing will cost a certain amount. But in the process of work, nothing prevents the overcharging due to “more complex information for one reason or another.” Also, usually the fee for recording is as follows. You pay for the time spent on recording. Nothing prevents you from delaying the recording and you intend to overpay. At my studio I decided to be more loyal to the client’s finances, and accept payment for recording one person for one song at one price. A person can not rush, not to think that in vain he wrote such a long song, and not worry about the need to sign up faster, and concentrate fully on the performance. I also do the mixing and mastering at the same price, for the same reasons. There are literally a couple of techniques that I do for an extra fee. And these techniques are those without which it is quite possible to do. They are calculated, rather, on the songs that you have exactly, by agreement, take on the air or a collection. Of course, it happens that a person is not ready to record at all. And he can record his party and 3 hours. Therefore, in such situations, I ask the client to treat with understanding and to himself. So, on mutual understanding, we successfully work. Of course, it also happens that a person does not understand the meaning of the “best double”. He may want to record as much as, but as many songs as possible. Well, in this case, it is probably better for such people not to go to the studio at all, but to register at home. The success of the song will also be the same, in the style of “just as it is.” So. You came to the studio. We begin to prepare the project to write. Be patient with this. If you do not prepare well, the result will only be worse. At this time, you discuss with the sound engineer all aspects of the work ahead, study the arrangement with him, tell him where it will be. Then decide how best to organize the recording process. That is, who is behind whom, given the priorities and the most speedy scheme. For example, in order that the same performer is not recorded several times. Recording starts. When you have not yet reached the turn, do not engage in extraneous matters, especially those that may interfere with the sound engineer and the one who is currently recording. Get better yourself. Call the girl or drink beer, you can and after working in the studio.

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Tremendous frequency power
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