Ensemble - means the joint performance of a piece of music by several participants or a piece of music for a small number of performers; A favorite type of music…

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Brain "under the jazz"
When jazz musicians improvise, areas that are responsible for self-censorship and inhibition of nerve impulses are turned off in their brain, and instead, areas that open the way for self-expression…

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Secrets of low-tech music creation
Many musicians and sound engineers underestimate the capabilities of modern computers. Many musicians and sound engineers underestimate the capabilities of modern computers, music applications, and inexpensive sound cards. At the…


like sculpture

Music in your head

Before modern neuroimaging techniques were developed, researchers studied the musical abilities of the brain, observing patients (including famous composers) with various disruptions in their activity due to injury or stroke. So, in 1933, the French composer Maurice Ravel developed symptoms of local brain degeneration, a disease that is accompanied by atrophy of certain sections of brain tissue. The composer’s mental abilities did not suffer: he remembered his old works and played scales well. But he could no longer compose music. Speaking about his alleged opera “Joan of Arc”, Ravel confessed: “Opera is in my head, I hear it, but I will never write it. It’s over. I am no longer able to compose music.” He died four years after an unsuccessful neurosurgical operation. The history of his illness gave rise to the idea among scientists that the brain is devoid of a specialized music center. Continue reading

The story of the music

Music is the dance of sounds created by man. The language of music is sensual, uncontrollable, elusively flexible, unpredictable.
Music, like sculpture and painting, takes for itself material from the outside world; the case of the last two arts is a combination of colors and shapes; the cause of music is a combination of sounds. Music borrows sounds from the material world, but disposes of them freely. She picks them up and combines them at will; her work is continuous creativity. Continue reading

Why and in what situations need a quality product
“Good quality” - this, for example, included the modern song of Madonna, and then his song. If you do not lose or practically do not lose - then the quality…


What is a score
The score in music is the musical notation of a polyphonic musical work intended for performance by an ensemble or orchestra, in which one part of another is given in…


Timbre, beauty and harmonious voice
Today I would like to touch on the issue of timbre, beauty and melodiousness of our voice. It is often said that a woman loves with ears, and a man…
