Impressionism in music
The classic expression "musical impressionism" found in the work of C. Debussy; his features also appeared in the music of M. Ravel, P. Duke, F. Schmitt, J. J. Roger-Ducas and…

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Which track is better
In her famous quotation, the great Coco Chanel wanted to say that there are hobbies that capture the minds of society with a wave, but then quickly disappear. And there…

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About "THE BEATLES" written so much that new discoveries in this area can not be done. Many consider 4 Liverpool guys to be the founders of the rock style. Is…


person works

Music secrets

I think no one will argue with me if I say that music is an art form. What is art? This is a reflection of reality, real life, special, imaginative means. One can argue that there are many definitions of art, but all of them in one way or another run into what is meant by real life. In any case, any kind of art has, like any science, its subject and method. The subject is the reality that art tries to express and cognize, and the method is the specific images that this art form uses. Moreover, as we note below, the method (image) is not arbitrary, it is a function of the object and somehow corresponds to it (the object). Continue reading

Brain "under the jazz"
When jazz musicians improvise, areas that are responsible for self-censorship and inhibition of nerve impulses are turned off in their brain, and instead, areas that open the way for self-expression…


The story of the music
Music is the dance of sounds created by man. The language of music is sensual, uncontrollable, elusively flexible, unpredictable. Music, like sculpture and painting, takes for itself material from the…


Timbre, beauty and harmonious voice
Today I would like to touch on the issue of timbre, beauty and melodiousness of our voice. It is often said that a woman loves with ears, and a man…
