The word romance takes us to the Middle Ages in Spain. In those days, in addition to the everyday ordinary language, there was another - Latin. Scientists wrote books on…

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Kinds of musical activities in kindergarten
Music education in kindergarten is designed to contribute to the development of a multifaceted and harmoniously developed personality. On the one hand, it aims to promote the aesthetic, moral, mental…

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Cello history
The cello has the same structure as the violin, but much larger. They play the cello while sitting, placing it in front of them and resting it on the floor…




The word “Sonata” is derived from the Italian verb “Sonare” – “sound.”
For the first time Spanish composers of the 16th century began to call it that. Early sonatas were polyphonic, for example, trio sonatas for 3 instruments — violins (or flutes), viola da gamba and harpsichord. When the homophon came to replace the polyphonic style (the main voice began to play the main role with a bright melody, and the rest acquired an accompanying, accompanying character), the sonata for the solo instrument with accompaniment, especially for the violin, became paramount. In the XVII — XVIII centuries. Violin sonatas are composed by the largest Italian composers – J. Vitali, J. Tartini, A. Corelli, A. Vivaldi. The keyboard tool performed in them purely accompanying function. Continue reading

Sounds that do not exist
This is one of the most interesting effects inherent in some musical instruments and a chorus of people singing in about the same key — the formation of beats. When…


Overture in music is an instrumental (usually orchestral) piece, performed before the beginning of any performance - a theatrical performance, an opera, a ballet, a movie, etc., or a one-part…


Music in your head
Before modern neuroimaging techniques were developed, researchers studied the musical abilities of the brain, observing patients (including famous composers) with various disruptions in their activity due to injury or stroke.…
