Ensemble - means the joint performance of a piece of music by several participants or a piece of music for a small number of performers; A favorite type of music…

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What is the secret of the fascinating power of music?
Music surrounds us everywhere. At the sound of a powerful orchestral crescendo, tears come to my eyes and goosebumps run down my back. Musical accompaniment enhances the artistic expressiveness of…

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What is the secret of the fascinating power of music?
Music surrounds us everywhere. At the sound of a powerful orchestral crescendo, tears come to my eyes and goosebumps run down my back. Musical accompaniment enhances the artistic expressiveness of…


relieving muscle

Sounds that energize the brain

“Some sounds are just as good as a couple of cups of coffee,” says Alfred Tomatis, an outstanding French hearing expert.
This means that we can use music as a tonic.
Since the time when humankind first created music, it served its everyday goals. Lullabies, military, sea songs – the list is as long as history and culture.
Today, high-tech Tomatis has discovered a high-tech method for uncovering the inner power of sound, a force that actually possesses “super power” for enhancing mental abilities, healing, and energizing energy. Continue reading

Sw in dance music
Somehow I thought about one thing: sometimes one bass, a drummer and a pair of cymbals are enough to make people want to twitch from this primitiveness! Why it happens?…


Genres and forms of folk instrumental music
The problem of the genre in modern musicology is one of the most pressing. In the scientific literature, genre groups are distinguished in accordance with various assessments: the performing staff…


Impressionism in music
The classic expression "musical impressionism" found in the work of C. Debussy; his features also appeared in the music of M. Ravel, P. Duke, F. Schmitt, J. J. Roger-Ducas and…
