Why does music heal?
Almost everything that happens in nature is connected with the world of sounds. In any case, in wildlife. It can be considered proven that music affects us, plants, and animals.…

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Ensemble - means the joint performance of a piece of music by several participants or a piece of music for a small number of performers; A favorite type of music…

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Prelude - a short piece of music that does not have a strict form. During the birth of the prelude, always preceded the longer, more complex and strictly designed work…


choir and orchestra


A symphony is usually a composition for orchestra, usually consisting of several parts. This is one of the main genres of European music. In the modern sense, the word “symphony” came into use relatively recently, in the 70s. XVIII century., It is the very same very ancient origin.
“Symphony” in Greek means “consonance”. In ancient times, the so-called singing of the choir or ensemble in unison, as well as any harmonious, melodious combination of tones. In the Middle Ages, the word disappeared from use, and its new life began in the Renaissance. But now a different meaning was put into the word “symphony”. In the music of the Renaissance, polyphonic vocal compositions were circulated – madrigals, canzons. They usually opened with an instrumental introduction, which was called a symphony. When in the XVII century. an opera arose, it also began with a symphony – later this introduction turned into an overture. Continue reading

About jazz
Jazz is a form of musical art that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States as a result of the synthesis of African and European…


What is recording, mixing, mastering
Recording, mixing, mastering - this is what needs to be done on your song (video, transfer). Without mixing and mastering, your song will sound bad. One explanation for this is…


About recordings and studios
I was very surprised when I learned that the musicians know very little about the recording and the studios. But this knowledge is one of the most important in the…
