About recordings and studios
I was very surprised when I learned that the musicians know very little about the recording and the studios. But this knowledge is one of the most important in the…

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Sw in dance music
Somehow I thought about one thing: sometimes one bass, a drummer and a pair of cymbals are enough to make people want to twitch from this primitiveness! Why it happens?…

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Sound around
What is needed for success in the recording market? How to create your own studio and is it worth dreaming about? Musical economy Conventionally, all the studios can be divided…


first and second violins

What is a score

The score in music is the musical notation of a polyphonic musical work intended for performance by an ensemble or orchestra, in which one part of another is given in a certain order, the parts of all the voices.
When the musicians of the orchestra play, in front of each of them there is a part of their instrument on the console. But the conductor is in a more difficult position. In order to direct the orchestra, he must have before his eyes all the parts of the performed work.
For this purpose, serves the score (from the Latin “party” – “divide”, “distribute”). Continue reading

About different sound engineers (sound producers)
If the sound engineer to whom you came, believes that there is a set of laws in the art of sound recording, and he is one of the elect who…


About recordings and studios
I was very surprised when I learned that the musicians know very little about the recording and the studios. But this knowledge is one of the most important in the…


In the power of music
Music has accompanied man since prehistoric times. The joy of prey, a successful hunt, the challenge of the rain was accompanied by ritual sounds (a skull filled with dry berries…
