The story of the music
Music is the dance of sounds created by man. The language of music is sensual, uncontrollable, elusively flexible, unpredictable. Music, like sculpture and painting, takes for itself material from the…

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Music in your head
Before modern neuroimaging techniques were developed, researchers studied the musical abilities of the brain, observing patients (including famous composers) with various disruptions in their activity due to injury or stroke.…

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A ballad is a narrative of a fantastic or dramatic nature. The word itself comes from the Italian "ball", which means to dance. Once upon a time ballads were called…


this matter

The evolution of home music studio

The rapid development and cheapening of information technologies made the most complex technological processes, previously available only to the elect, to the general public. However, this gave rise to a certain paradox – the highest computing power is often combined with the complete technical illiteracy of users. Powerful computers, which have embodied the many years of work of theorists, engineers, and inventors, often serve as a typewriter and screen for viewing floating fish. But the opposite happens, although much less often – competent, highly professional use of all resources, which brings excellent results. Continue reading

Genres and forms of folk instrumental music
The problem of the genre in modern musicology is one of the most pressing. In the scientific literature, genre groups are distinguished in accordance with various assessments: the performing staff…


Music secrets
I think no one will argue with me if I say that music is an art form. What is art? This is a reflection of reality, real life, special, imaginative…


Musical instrument saxophone
The saxophone was invented by the Belgian master Adolf Sax in 1840 and is currently one of the most brilliant wind instruments. He has a beautiful sound, timbre. On the…
