Music secrets
I think no one will argue with me if I say that music is an art form. What is art? This is a reflection of reality, real life, special, imaginative…

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Psychosomatic reactions to certain types of musical art
Music at all times, since its inception, has been used as a means of influencing people's consciousness. With its help, different goals were achieved. Knowledgeable people wisely approached the musical…

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Sounds that energize the brain
“Some sounds are just as good as a couple of cups of coffee,” says Alfred Tomatis, an outstanding French hearing expert. This means that we can use music as a…


different instruments

What is recording, mixing, mastering

Recording, mixing, mastering – this is what needs to be done on your song (video, transfer). Without mixing and mastering, your song will sound bad. One explanation for this is what has already been done. All professional recordings that you have heard have gone through mixing and mastering. Therefore, if you do not do these operations on your song, you understand, it will be “different.” The essence of these processes is signal processing. In the record – this is the processing of each instrument or voice that is in the song. Continue reading

Tell me what you are listening to, and I will tell you what your IQ is.
You are young, you consider yourself advanced, nightclubs are the best place to hang out after school or work. After - a feeling of well spent time, only now a…


A ballad is a narrative of a fantastic or dramatic nature. The word itself comes from the Italian "ball", which means to dance. Once upon a time ballads were called…


What is the secret of the fascinating power of music?
Music surrounds us everywhere. At the sound of a powerful orchestral crescendo, tears come to my eyes and goosebumps run down my back. Musical accompaniment enhances the artistic expressiveness of…
