About recordings and studios
I was very surprised when I learned that the musicians know very little about the recording and the studios. But this knowledge is one of the most important in the…

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The word romance takes us to the Middle Ages in Spain. In those days, in addition to the everyday ordinary language, there was another - Latin. Scientists wrote books on…

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Brain "under the jazz"
When jazz musicians improvise, areas that are responsible for self-censorship and inhibition of nerve impulses are turned off in their brain, and instead, areas that open the way for self-expression…


studied jazz

Musical instrument saxophone

The saxophone was invented by the Belgian master Adolf Sax in 1840 and is currently one of the most brilliant wind instruments. He has a beautiful sound, timbre. On the saxophone you can play pieces of any complexity – from calm melodic melodies to the most virtuosic pieces in both classical and jazz music.
A group of saxophones from soprano to bass in combination with each other creates a fantastic ensemble sound. Continue reading

Secrets of low-tech music creation
Many musicians and sound engineers underestimate the capabilities of modern computers. Many musicians and sound engineers underestimate the capabilities of modern computers, music applications, and inexpensive sound cards. At the…


Why does music heal?
Almost everything that happens in nature is connected with the world of sounds. In any case, in wildlife. It can be considered proven that music affects us, plants, and animals.…


"Music is the soul of poetry, it clarifies and opens it. It makes a poetic word deeper in meaning and easier in perception. The spirit of music in the emotional…
