About jazz
Jazz is a form of musical art that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States as a result of the synthesis of African and European…

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Auditory therapy of A.Tomatis
About 40 years ago, the French otolaryngologist, Alfred Tomatis, made some amazing discoveries that prompted the development of the Tomatis method. This method has various names: “auditory learning”, “auditory arousal”…

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Why does music heal?
Almost everything that happens in nature is connected with the world of sounds. In any case, in wildlife. It can be considered proven that music affects us, plants, and animals.…



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Music secrets

I think no one will argue with me if I say that music is an art form. What is art? This is a reflection of reality, real life, special, imaginative means. One can argue that there are many definitions of art, but all of them in one way or another run into what is meant by real life. In any case, any kind of art has, like any science, its subject and method. The subject is the reality that art tries to express and cognize, and the method is the specific images that this art form uses. Moreover, as we note below, the method (image) is not arbitrary, it is a function of the object and somehow corresponds to it (the object). Continue reading

The power of music

Music is one of the most inspirational forms of art. With its rhythm, melody, harmony, dynamics, variety of sound combinations, colors and nuances, the music conveys an endless range of feelings and moods. Her strength lies in the fact that, bypassing the mind, it directly penetrates into the soul, into the subconscious and creates a person’s mood. According to its content, music can evoke the most sublime and noble feelings in a person, promote, for example, a prayerful mood, or, on the contrary, can evoke the most sinful and dark desires. Continue reading

Sw in dance music

Somehow I thought about one thing: sometimes one bass, a drummer and a pair of cymbals are enough to make people want to twitch from this primitiveness! Why it happens? What is the reason? In the process of studying this phenomenon, the theory of kacha was born, about which a series of articles is devoted. I can’t vouch that after reading them, your compositions will become hits, but I would be happy for that.
First of all, briefly about the theory of Kacha. Qual is a term coined by me that relates to drive. Kach can be part of the drive, but the drive can be without kacha. Qach first of all is a concept characterizing “dance”. Continue reading

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Overture in music is an instrumental (usually orchestral) piece, performed before the beginning of any performance - a theatrical performance, an opera, a ballet, a movie, etc., or a one-part…


Music secrets
I think no one will argue with me if I say that music is an art form. What is art? This is a reflection of reality, real life, special, imaginative…


The word "Sonata" is derived from the Italian verb "Sonare" - "sound." For the first time Spanish composers of the 16th century began to call it that. Early sonatas were…
