Sw in dance music
Somehow I thought about one thing: sometimes one bass, a drummer and a pair of cymbals are enough to make people want to twitch from this primitiveness! Why it happens?…

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The word romance takes us to the Middle Ages in Spain. In those days, in addition to the everyday ordinary language, there was another - Latin. Scientists wrote books on…

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The word "Sonata" is derived from the Italian verb "Sonare" - "sound." For the first time Spanish composers of the 16th century began to call it that. Early sonatas were…


inner ear

The power of music

Music is one of the most inspirational forms of art. With its rhythm, melody, harmony, dynamics, variety of sound combinations, colors and nuances, the music conveys an endless range of feelings and moods. Her strength lies in the fact that, bypassing the mind, it directly penetrates into the soul, into the subconscious and creates a person’s mood. According to its content, music can evoke the most sublime and noble feelings in a person, promote, for example, a prayerful mood, or, on the contrary, can evoke the most sinful and dark desires. Continue reading

Music in your head

Before modern neuroimaging techniques were developed, researchers studied the musical abilities of the brain, observing patients (including famous composers) with various disruptions in their activity due to injury or stroke. So, in 1933, the French composer Maurice Ravel developed symptoms of local brain degeneration, a disease that is accompanied by atrophy of certain sections of brain tissue. The composer’s mental abilities did not suffer: he remembered his old works and played scales well. But he could no longer compose music. Speaking about his alleged opera “Joan of Arc”, Ravel confessed: “Opera is in my head, I hear it, but I will never write it. It’s over. I am no longer able to compose music.” He died four years after an unsuccessful neurosurgical operation. The history of his illness gave rise to the idea among scientists that the brain is devoid of a specialized music center. Continue reading


About “THE BEATLES” written so much that new discoveries in this area can not be done. Many consider 4 Liverpool guys to be the founders of the rock style. Is it so? – It is hard to say. Probably so. Although it seems to me that “THE BEATLES” gave impetus to the development of style, which was later called “soft rock” and which later developed into the so-called “pop music”. One of the features of “THE BEATLES”, which allowed me to rank them as “pop-singers”, is the relative simplicity of their music and lyrics, although this is more likely a consequence of the needs of young people than the lack of ability of musicians. The youth were then tired of the complexities of life, they wanted something light and easy to understand. There is no denying the contribution to the development
youth music “THE BEATLES” made a huge. Continue reading

What is symphonic electronic music?
Since the beginning of the 90s in the transfer of M. Lander "Back to the Univers" on the radio "Rocks", radio "Station", "Open Radio", and when I was music. TV…


Why does music heal?
Almost everything that happens in nature is connected with the world of sounds. In any case, in wildlife. It can be considered proven that music affects us, plants, and animals.…


Tell me what you are listening to, and I will tell you what your IQ is.
You are young, you consider yourself advanced, nightclubs are the best place to hang out after school or work. After - a feeling of well spent time, only now a…
