Brain "under the jazz"
When jazz musicians improvise, areas that are responsible for self-censorship and inhibition of nerve impulses are turned off in their brain, and instead, areas that open the way for self-expression…

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The evolution of home music studio
The rapid development and cheapening of information technologies made the most complex technological processes, previously available only to the elect, to the general public. However, this gave rise to a…

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Why and in what situations need a quality product
“Good quality” - this, for example, included the modern song of Madonna, and then his song. If you do not lose or practically do not lose - then the quality…


effective decoration

The financial side of working with the studio

It is worth learning the following fact. If a studio rents a good room, in a good area, there is a lot of equipment in the studio, a good repair of the premises, a large staff, a well-known company – you will pay extra for all this. The accountant, director also needs to allocate money for salary. It is necessary to recoup the cost of a large amount of purchased equipment. Pay back the cost of renting the room, the cost of electricity, the cost of renovation of the studio and adjacent premises … Continue reading

Prelude - a short piece of music that does not have a strict form. During the birth of the prelude, always preceded the longer, more complex and strictly designed work…


A symphony is usually a composition for orchestra, usually consisting of several parts. This is one of the main genres of European music. In the modern sense, the word "symphony"…


Timbre, beauty and harmonious voice
Today I would like to touch on the issue of timbre, beauty and melodiousness of our voice. It is often said that a woman loves with ears, and a man…
