Genres and forms of folk instrumental music
The problem of the genre in modern musicology is one of the most pressing. In the scientific literature, genre groups are distinguished in accordance with various assessments: the performing staff…

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What is the secret of the fascinating power of music?
Music surrounds us everywhere. At the sound of a powerful orchestral crescendo, tears come to my eyes and goosebumps run down my back. Musical accompaniment enhances the artistic expressiveness of…

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Tell me what you are listening to, and I will tell you what your IQ is.
You are young, you consider yourself advanced, nightclubs are the best place to hang out after school or work. After - a feeling of well spent time, only now a…


frequent reference

Impressionism in music

The classic expression “musical impressionism” found in the work of C. Debussy; his features also appeared in the music of M. Ravel, P. Duke, F. Schmitt, J. J. Roger-Ducas and other French composers.
Debussy is considered to be the pioneer of musical impressionism, which has enriched all aspects of contemporary composing skills – melody, harmony, orchestration, form. His innovative experiments are partly inspired by the outstanding discoveries of Russian realist composers, primarily M. P. Mussorgsky. At the same time, he embraced the ideas of new French painting and symbolist poetry. Debussy has written many piano and vocal miniatures, several pieces for chamber ensembles, three ballets, a lyric opera “Pelleas and Meli-zanda”. Continue reading

Prelude - a short piece of music that does not have a strict form. During the birth of the prelude, always preceded the longer, more complex and strictly designed work…


A symphony is usually a composition for orchestra, usually consisting of several parts. This is one of the main genres of European music. In the modern sense, the word "symphony"…


The word romance takes us to the Middle Ages in Spain. In those days, in addition to the everyday ordinary language, there was another - Latin. Scientists wrote books on…
