Mozart effect
Listening to Mozart's music enhances our brain activity. After listening to Mozart, people responding to the standard IQ test demonstrate an increase in intelligence. This phenomenon discovered by some scientists…

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A ballad is a narrative of a fantastic or dramatic nature. The word itself comes from the Italian "ball", which means to dance. Once upon a time ballads were called…

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Reflections on the genre of performance in music
Any musical performance is a musical manifesto of the world, made in a shocking and entertaining way. But if, initially, the musical performance was aimed at changing society, at exposing…


Beethoven’s piano

Cello history

The cello has the same structure as the violin, but much larger. They play the cello while sitting, placing it in front of them and resting it on the floor with a special leg with a spike (spire).
History remembered two masters, especially those who were famous for producing cellos. This is Gasparo da Salo and Paolo Magini. They lived at the turn of the XVI – XVII centuries and the first of them was rumored to attribute the honor of the “invention” of the modern violin with four strings, moods fifths, the improvement of the violone, or the double bass of the viol, and finally the creation of the cello. The first masters who built the cello did not quite clearly represent that right path in the development of the modern cello, which was completed completely, only by Antonio Stradivari. Continue reading

Impressionism in music
The classic expression "musical impressionism" found in the work of C. Debussy; his features also appeared in the music of M. Ravel, P. Duke, F. Schmitt, J. J. Roger-Ducas and…


Timbre, beauty and harmonious voice
Today I would like to touch on the issue of timbre, beauty and melodiousness of our voice. It is often said that a woman loves with ears, and a man…


The story of the music
Music is the dance of sounds created by man. The language of music is sensual, uncontrollable, elusively flexible, unpredictable. Music, like sculpture and painting, takes for itself material from the…
