Sounds that do not exist
This is one of the most interesting effects inherent in some musical instruments and a chorus of people singing in about the same key — the formation of beats. When…

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What is recording, mixing, mastering
Recording, mixing, mastering - this is what needs to be done on your song (video, transfer). Without mixing and mastering, your song will sound bad. One explanation for this is…

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Guitar history
Many historians differently describe the history of the origin of modern guitar and its varieties. This is not surprising, because the first stringed-plucked instruments, which were the prototype of this…


between good

Why and in what situations need a quality product

“Good quality” – this, for example, included the modern song of Madonna, and then his song. If you do not lose or practically do not lose – then the quality is good. That is, compare with the model standard so to speak. Although sometimes people have weak ears or increased self-esteem. Then bad quality seems good. And sometimes the opposite: so self-critical person that any quality seems bad to him. Here, rather, he does not like the way he plays or sings, even after a studio correction and treatments. Here is the way out – go and improve your technique of performance.
You can often find slogans like: “good quality is not necessary for a demo”, “this is an underground (garage) album and it does not require good quality”, “this is a low-budget advertisement, it will come down in any capacity” and so on. Continue reading

Sw in dance music
Somehow I thought about one thing: sometimes one bass, a drummer and a pair of cymbals are enough to make people want to twitch from this primitiveness! Why it happens?…


Music in your head
Before modern neuroimaging techniques were developed, researchers studied the musical abilities of the brain, observing patients (including famous composers) with various disruptions in their activity due to injury or stroke.…


About different sound engineers (sound producers)
If the sound engineer to whom you came, believes that there is a set of laws in the art of sound recording, and he is one of the elect who…
