The word "Sonata" is derived from the Italian verb "Sonare" - "sound." For the first time Spanish composers of the 16th century began to call it that. Early sonatas were…

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Overture in music is an instrumental (usually orchestral) piece, performed before the beginning of any performance - a theatrical performance, an opera, a ballet, a movie, etc., or a one-part…

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The story of the music
Music is the dance of sounds created by man. The language of music is sensual, uncontrollable, elusively flexible, unpredictable. Music, like sculpture and painting, takes for itself material from the…




Overture in music is an instrumental (usually orchestral) piece, performed before the beginning of any performance – a theatrical performance, an opera, a ballet, a movie, etc., or a one-part orchestral work, often belonging to program music.
Overture prepares the listener for the upcoming action.
The tradition to announce the beginning of the presentation with a brief musical signal existed long before the term “overture” entrenched itself in the work of French and then other 17th century European composers. Continue reading

Musical instrument saxophone

The saxophone was invented by the Belgian master Adolf Sax in 1840 and is currently one of the most brilliant wind instruments. He has a beautiful sound, timbre. On the saxophone you can play pieces of any complexity – from calm melodic melodies to the most virtuosic pieces in both classical and jazz music.
A group of saxophones from soprano to bass in combination with each other creates a fantastic ensemble sound. Continue reading

Secrets of low-tech music creation

Many musicians and sound engineers underestimate the capabilities of modern computers.
Many musicians and sound engineers underestimate the capabilities of modern computers, music applications, and inexpensive sound cards. At the mention of such a technique, they contemptuously purse their lips and utter a word that concentrates all their contempt for the world of mere mortals: “multimedia” … Continue reading

A ballad is a narrative of a fantastic or dramatic nature. The word itself comes from the Italian "ball", which means to dance. Once upon a time ballads were called…


In the power of music
Music has accompanied man since prehistoric times. The joy of prey, a successful hunt, the challenge of the rain was accompanied by ritual sounds (a skull filled with dry berries…


Prelude - a short piece of music that does not have a strict form. During the birth of the prelude, always preceded the longer, more complex and strictly designed work…
