musical activities

Genres and forms of folk instrumental music
The problem of the genre in modern musicology is one of the most pressing. In the scientific literature, genre groups are distinguished in accordance with various assessments: the performing staff…

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Music in your head
Before modern neuroimaging techniques were developed, researchers studied the musical abilities of the brain, observing patients (including famous composers) with various disruptions in their activity due to injury or stroke.…

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Music in your head
Before modern neuroimaging techniques were developed, researchers studied the musical abilities of the brain, observing patients (including famous composers) with various disruptions in their activity due to injury or stroke.…


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Auditory therapy of A.Tomatis

About 40 years ago, the French otolaryngologist, Alfred Tomatis, made some amazing discoveries that prompted the development of the Tomatis method. This method has various names: “auditory learning”, “auditory arousal” or “auditory therapy”. Its purpose is to re-educate a person to the hearing process, which improves the ability to learn and learn languages, to communicate, increases creativity and positively influences the social behavior of the individual. Continue reading

Tremendous frequency power

Hard rock sucks energy not only from a person, but also, for example, from geraniums. Ever since Luther Burbank, it has been known that music and sounds can influence vegetation.
Perhaps the ancients knew this too, because they sang while they were working in the field and used rhythmic dances to rest from the works. But we really only got to know about it after Dan Carlson from Blaine, Minnesota, did the basic research in his life.
After years of hard work, Carlson found out that the sounds that power the plants have the same frequency as the sounds that, according to Tomatis, awaken people. Continue reading

Sounds that energize the brain

“Some sounds are just as good as a couple of cups of coffee,” says Alfred Tomatis, an outstanding French hearing expert.
This means that we can use music as a tonic.
Since the time when humankind first created music, it served its everyday goals. Lullabies, military, sea songs – the list is as long as history and culture.
Today, high-tech Tomatis has discovered a high-tech method for uncovering the inner power of sound, a force that actually possesses “super power” for enhancing mental abilities, healing, and energizing energy. Continue reading

Tell me what you are listening to, and I will tell you what your IQ is.

You are young, you consider yourself advanced, nightclubs are the best place to hang out after school or work. After – a feeling of well spent time, only now a fresh and clear thinking, as well as the influx of new forces and energy are not observed.
Are you aware that modern electronic music, like rock, is referred to psychologists as aggressive non-drug narcotic drugs (there is no need to explain the influence of the latter on the body)? Continue reading

Why does music heal?

Almost everything that happens in nature is connected with the world of sounds. In any case, in wildlife. It can be considered proven that music affects us, plants, and animals.
Music is increasingly serving health. There was already a special, albeit not very extensive yet, area of ​​medicine – music therapy. In the first place, it treats neuropsychiatric diseases: sessions of music therapy under the guidance of psychotherapist doctors have become firmly established in medical practice.
And in recent years, sound effects are increasingly used for the treatment of somatic, bodily diseases. Continue reading

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About recordings and studios
I was very surprised when I learned that the musicians know very little about the recording and the studios. But this knowledge is one of the most important in the…


About "THE BEATLES" written so much that new discoveries in this area can not be done. Many consider 4 Liverpool guys to be the founders of the rock style. Is…


The word romance takes us to the Middle Ages in Spain. In those days, in addition to the everyday ordinary language, there was another - Latin. Scientists wrote books on…
