Ensemble - means the joint performance of a piece of music by several participants or a piece of music for a small number of performers; A favorite type of music…

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Violin - a musical instrument
The history of music believes that the violin in its most perfect form originated in the XVI century. By that time, all stringed instruments that had been active throughout the…

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Prelude - a short piece of music that does not have a strict form. During the birth of the prelude, always preceded the longer, more complex and strictly designed work…


emphasized intonation


“Music is the soul of poetry, it clarifies and opens it. It makes a poetic word deeper in meaning and easier in perception. The spirit of music in the emotional aspect is the creative will that motivates talented people to create a state of sound and shape it as their world view”
Romance in music is a vocal composition written for a small poem of lyrical content, mostly love.
The term “romance” originated in Spain in the Middle Ages and originally designated a secular song in Spanish (“Romanesque”) language. In Russia, the first examples of romance can be considered Kant, distributed already in the late 17th century. And in the XVIII century. the poems of the most famous Russian poets – A. P. Sumarokov, A. F. Merzlyakov, M. V. Lomonosov – were immediately picked up by musicians and sang by amateur singers. Such works were called Russian songs. Continue reading

Prelude - a short piece of music that does not have a strict form. During the birth of the prelude, always preceded the longer, more complex and strictly designed work…


Why does music heal?
Almost everything that happens in nature is connected with the world of sounds. In any case, in wildlife. It can be considered proven that music affects us, plants, and animals.…


High-quality soundtrack
How does a high-quality soundtrack begin? Many people think that from a sound card installed in the computer. But it is not. A high-quality soundtrack begins with a QUALITATIVE SOURCE…
