Prelude - a short piece of music that does not have a strict form. During the birth of the prelude, always preceded the longer, more complex and strictly designed work…

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About "THE BEATLES" written so much that new discoveries in this area can not be done. Many consider 4 Liverpool guys to be the founders of the rock style. Is…

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Secrets of low-tech music creation
Many musicians and sound engineers underestimate the capabilities of modern computers. Many musicians and sound engineers underestimate the capabilities of modern computers, music applications, and inexpensive sound cards. At the…


brain injury

Guitar history

Many historians differently describe the history of the origin of modern guitar and its varieties. This is not surprising, because the first stringed-plucked instruments, which were the prototype of this guitar, appeared in ancient times, 3-4 thousand years BC.
String plucked instruments equipped with a neck, appeared in ancient times. They form a family of lute in the broad sense of the word. The earliest surviving evidence is the sculptural images of Mesopotamia, which date back to about 2 millennium BC. er Continue reading

Music in your head

Before modern neuroimaging techniques were developed, researchers studied the musical abilities of the brain, observing patients (including famous composers) with various disruptions in their activity due to injury or stroke. So, in 1933, the French composer Maurice Ravel developed symptoms of local brain degeneration – a disease accompanied by atrophy of certain sections of brain tissue. The composer’s mental abilities did not suffer: he remembered his old works and played scales well. But he could not compose music. Speaking about his alleged opera “Joan of Arc”, Ravel confessed: “Opera is in my head, I hear it, but I will never write it. Continue reading

What is the secret of the fascinating power of music?

Music surrounds us everywhere. At the sound of a powerful orchestral crescendo, tears come to my eyes and goosebumps run down my back. Musical accompaniment enhances the artistic expressiveness of films and performances. Rock musicians make us jump on our feet and dance, while parents lull the kids with quiet lullabies.
The love of music has deep roots: people have been composing and listening to it since culture began. More than 30 thousand years ago, our ancestors already played stone flutes and bone harps. Continue reading

Mozart effect
Listening to Mozart's music enhances our brain activity. After listening to Mozart, people responding to the standard IQ test demonstrate an increase in intelligence. This phenomenon discovered by some scientists…


Tell me what you are listening to, and I will tell you what your IQ is.
You are young, you consider yourself advanced, nightclubs are the best place to hang out after school or work. After - a feeling of well spent time, only now a…


A symphony is usually a composition for orchestra, usually consisting of several parts. This is one of the main genres of European music. In the modern sense, the word "symphony"…
