Cello history
The cello has the same structure as the violin, but much larger. They play the cello while sitting, placing it in front of them and resting it on the floor…

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The financial side of working with the studio
It is worth learning the following fact. If a studio rents a good room, in a good area, there is a lot of equipment in the studio, a good repair…

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A ballad is a narrative of a fantastic or dramatic nature. The word itself comes from the Italian "ball", which means to dance. Once upon a time ballads were called…


pleasant sounds

In the power of music

Music has accompanied man since prehistoric times. The joy of prey, a successful hunt, the challenge of the rain was accompanied by ritual sounds (a skull filled with dry berries or a gong prototype could be used as a musical instrument), such was primitive music.
Thousands of years passed, musical instruments underwent significant changes, folk music (folklore) developed, words were added to it, many works survived to our days, passed down from generation to generation. Music is eternal, and the development of mankind without it is unthinkable. Continue reading

Kinds of musical activities in kindergarten
Music education in kindergarten is designed to contribute to the development of a multifaceted and harmoniously developed personality. On the one hand, it aims to promote the aesthetic, moral, mental…


Overture in music is an instrumental (usually orchestral) piece, performed before the beginning of any performance - a theatrical performance, an opera, a ballet, a movie, etc., or a one-part…


What is a score
The score in music is the musical notation of a polyphonic musical work intended for performance by an ensemble or orchestra, in which one part of another is given in…
