About "THE BEATLES" written so much that new discoveries in this area can not be done. Many consider 4 Liverpool guys to be the founders of the rock style. Is…

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Reflections on the genre of performance in music
Any musical performance is a musical manifesto of the world, made in a shocking and entertaining way. But if, initially, the musical performance was aimed at changing society, at exposing…

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The power of music
Music is one of the most inspirational forms of art. With its rhythm, melody, harmony, dynamics, variety of sound combinations, colors and nuances, the music conveys an endless range of…


pleasant sounds

In the power of music

Music has accompanied man since prehistoric times. The joy of prey, a successful hunt, the challenge of the rain was accompanied by ritual sounds (a skull filled with dry berries or a gong prototype could be used as a musical instrument), such was primitive music.
Thousands of years passed, musical instruments underwent significant changes, folk music (folklore) developed, words were added to it, many works survived to our days, passed down from generation to generation. Music is eternal, and the development of mankind without it is unthinkable. Continue reading

Impressionism in music
The classic expression "musical impressionism" found in the work of C. Debussy; his features also appeared in the music of M. Ravel, P. Duke, F. Schmitt, J. J. Roger-Ducas and…


Sounds that do not exist
This is one of the most interesting effects inherent in some musical instruments and a chorus of people singing in about the same key — the formation of beats. When…


What is the secret of the fascinating power of music?
Music surrounds us everywhere. At the sound of a powerful orchestral crescendo, tears come to my eyes and goosebumps run down my back. Musical accompaniment enhances the artistic expressiveness of…
